
Lourdes centres a discussion with Lourdes a market trader in the barrio of Tepito, Mexico City. She speaks of her experience running the stall and the wider politics of Tepito, notorious for its bootleg goods and rfierce esistance to the encroaching, state endorsed processes of gentrification. Lourdes’ dry and humorous conversation elucidate her influence within and beyond the marketplace, describing the strategies the women in the community use in their attempts to destabilise power. In her discussion of Albures, a form of double entendre laden speech specific to Mexico, a subversive and non-oppositional form of resistance, posited around vulgarity and pleasure, is traced.
2018, HD, Video.
With Lourdes and Isaac Olvera Muñoz. Director, Sound and Edit Rehana Zaman. Camera Sam Hepworth. Post production sound Tom Sedgwick.
With Lourdes and Isaac Olvera Muñoz. Director, Sound and Edit Rehana Zaman. Camera Sam Hepworth. Post production sound Tom Sedgwick.